Michael Hierer, Greven, NRW

+49 / 176 / 40 55 45 97 info@michaelhierer.de

Archive for Month: July 2018


07/21/2018 – Video WN

With the story in the newspaper, the Westfälische Nachrichten have published a nice little video about me:

Icon WN 20180719

2018/07/19 – Westfälische Nachrichten

Published today in Westfälische Nachrichten and Münstersche Zeitung. I’d like to thank Günter Benning very much for the nice story.


07/18/2018 – Celler Schule

It finally happened.  A few days ago I finished the “Celler Schule” and may now oficially (but with humility and gratefulness) call myself “exCellent”.  Once each year, the Celler Schule educates 10 German speaking lyricists with a scholarship of the GEMA-Stiftung.  The 2 weeks in Springe (the Celle location had […]