As musician I feel at home live (please see UPCOMING) as well as in the studio. Apart from playing all kinds of keys (keyboards, synthies, pop and jazz piano, …), I can also be seen as singer and guitarist every now and then. When I’m not on a musician job for somebody else, chances are good that you can or could see me solo, with Nicholas Müller, with my own band Jäzzekuchen , with Turid Müller, with Yvi Wylde, as improv theater musician for Düsseldorf’s Phönixallee, or find me teaching at various schools. Since 2018 I’ve been an alumnus of the renowned “Celler Schule” as lyricist.
- Keyboarder/laptop-musician
- Songwriter/lyricist
- Jazz pianist
- Piano accompanyist (e.g. musical)
- Singer
- MD (musical, theater)
- Multi-instrumentalist (keys, jazz-organ, guitar, bass, accordeon, mandolin, …)
- Improv theater musician
- Nicholas Müller, Phönixallee, Jäzzekuchen, Glass House, Yvi Wylde, Turid Müller, Dreadnut Inc., Doktor Dewe, Tassimo, Hansemahl Münster, Lilou, ÆRIAL, Stage Entertainment, Vereinigte Bühnen Bozen, Palazzo Wien, Die Theatermacher Hamburg, Scharlatan Theater, Gin and Juice, Immeranders, MC Nemo, …
- ÆRIAL: Circles (2016, Soundatelier)
- Buddy – Das Buddy Holly Musical (2009, Stage Entertainment)
Keyboarder for Nicholas Müller: Photos by Danny Kötter at Kaltern Pop 2019 with Nicholas Müller and Cantus Domus
Multi-Instrumentalist, Songwriter: For MDR’s #miteinanderstarkchallenge (creative Covid-19 challenge by German radio station) I performed the song “Sparflamme” (by Turid Müller and me) frome home.
Studio: For Tassimo I took care of the French flair with my accordeon.
Keyboarder/laptop-musician: With ÆRIAL I take care of keyboards and electronics, and program and run the in-ear monitoring, which is setup in Ableton Live for each band member individually. The live-recording below (Can-Studio, Gronau) should be enjoyed with a good pair of headphones, since it was especially mixed for binaural listening!
Jazz-Keyboarder: For Jäzzekuchen I serve all the sounds, that are typical for keyed instruments, and then again some more. Especially the bass is constantly jumping back and forth between keys and guitar in this very Band, maybe even finding its way into the drummer’s trigger pad, just as in “Make America grate again”. The song was performed live and filmed by the audience. “Not for good, but for now” drew its initial inspiration from a motif of Charpentier’s “Te deum.” Jäzzekuchen plays Käsefusion:
Jazz piano: With the former Jazz combo of the Musikhochschule Münster at the Theater Münster:
Guitar: Live in Bonn with the Scharlatan Theater for Deutsche Telekom:
With ÆRIAL: (Photos 1. Tilman Saunus, 2.&3. Leonie Streich)
Theater musician: As MD and musician for Die Theatermacher for “Die Räuber” (“The robbers”, Photos by Gareth Tynan):